It would be difficult to find anyone more in touch with the punk music than George Gimarc. Early in 1977, he originated one of America's first new wave radio programs, The Rock & Roll Alternative. It ran continuously for fourteen years and was heard on various stations in England, Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Australia and New Zealand, as well as home in Texas.
Since hitting the air in 1975, George has remained on the forefront of music, discovering new talent and breaking cutting edge sounds. He's interviewed hundreds of the scene's movers & shakers, making careers and setting trends. He was the driving force behind KDGE radio in Dallas; one of the nation's leading new rock stations with an audience in the hundreds of thousands.
Always looking for the next big thing, he ran an independent record company, was the co-creator of the Johnny Rotten Radio Show ("Rotten Day") as well as Rotten Television for VH-1, contributed to the Time-Live 'History Of Rock & Roll' documentary, and had a network radio talk show (on music) for over six years. His passion for music explains his collecting some 65,000 records, and knowing something about each and every one of them. There are few that can put a work like this together working from real life experience and their own resources.
George first started writing the first "PUNK DIARY: 1970-79 because he needed a reference book on the period and there wasn't one to be found. Even now, nearly two decade later, there is little which takes an accurate and detailed look at the entirety of the punk boom. A second book, "PUNK DIARY: 1980-82" followed and those two editions have been combined into this new release from Backbeat Books. "Punk Diary" is not only accurate with the resources used to compile it, it has also been fact checked by many of the major musicians of the period, each giving it a resounding thumbs up. And to think, it was all done working from original sources, newspapers, press releases, records, and ALL before the internet!
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Copyright 1995 Reel George Productions, Inc.
Thanks!- George Gimarc